Genital Warts?black flat moles? - pictures of black genital warts
In recent times they have done in view of this and ask yourself how are warts on the site .... I think you have a case may me, but it does not seem as bad as the pictures online. sheshh. Blk Points anywhoot I've found little ... mol seek points ... not the ones that stand out. cogens marks "little beauty" on the lips, vagina .... Itching can be mild, and can sometimes be a little swollen now, what could this be .. If your genital warts and the time it takes to get rid of this thing, and when will it be safe have sex with a new one.
by the way this answer when I ask my juice 2 Docter ... if you know or not know, and he has great links .. Thank you to everyone
1 comment:
Well ... Doctor! How can we know what is in the lip? Could genital warts? Yes, look, not all bad. If you can have up to two years for "clean", although the virus for life stand. But it could be anything, and only a doctor can examine, therefore, correct.
Some general information can be found here:
Note that some HPV can cause genital warts and others can cause cervical cancer. Warts type is not cancer or vice versa.
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