Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Index.of Boobs Why Do I Have Man Boobs????

Why do i have man boobs???? - index.of boobs

Why am I the man that her breasts really me, I am 18 years and 6 feet 3 inches / 191 cm i 12Stones weight of 1 kg / 76.7 kilograms of fat have an index of 10.7% and a BMI of 21 so if I have nothing in / lighter passages of the things that I had tested about 2 weeks, so thank Canty does not make sense out of it you in advance for any help


◘ màttý ◘ said...

The work in the gym, it is clear that the fat is burnt and so is replaced by muscle.

Tidus said...

Man boobs are caused by breast tissue. Order.

Obesity raises the question thicker worse, but if they are overweight is not exercise. When the question of whether to build the muscles in the chest, to make matters worse, so that the muscles under your breasts and they are characterized by more. Exercise will not turn fat into muscle, is a common mistake. It reduces fat and strengthens muscles. It has little influence on breast tissue.

If you are dissatisfied with their appearance after the loss of excess weight are, surgery is the only option.

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